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Do I need a lawyer for a speeding ticket NY?

Bronx Traffic Ticket Lawyer

There are a number of different ways to contest a traffic ticket, but the most important step is getting a skilled attorney on your side. A lawyer could help you fight your case, prepare in-person statements, and accompany you to any hearings if necessary. They could also work to analyze the officer’s testimonies and show that they do not meet the burden of proof required to convict you of a speeding violation in NYC.

The Bronx is the northernmost borough of New York City, and as such, is a major crossing point for drivers heading north into Manhattan, Queens, or Long Island, or out of NYC into northern New York, Connecticut, or New England. As a result, the streets and highways in this borough are aggressively policed, making it one of the top 10 counties for traffic violations in the state of New York.

Despite the popularity of hands free technology and general education about distracted driving, cell phone use while driving continues to be a problem in the Bronx, with thousands of such tickets issued each year. In the same vein, disobeying traffic control devices — which include things like stop signs and red lights — is another common issue.

A ticket for any of these offenses can lead to fines and points on your license, depending on the severity of the violation and how many points you already have on your record. In addition, some of these tickets are considered misdemeanors, meaning that they can be subject to jail time if you are convicted.

While you do have the option to simply accept the ticket and pay its associated fine, there is no legal requirement that you do so. In fact, as long as you request a hearing within 30 days of your ticket, you can use an online or in-person appeal system to challenge the officer’s observations.

An attorney can help you navigate these available channels when appealing your ticket. They can work to analyze radar readings and other recorded evidence, as well as the officer’s testimonies, to show that they do not meet the burden of evidence required to prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

An attorney can also save you time by ensuring that your case is handled efficiently, without the need for you to appear in court on your own. Most people assume that fighting a ticket means taking the day off of work, but an attorney can often handle your case from home or while you are at work. This way, you can avoid unnecessary stress and expense while still having your case heard by a highly-qualified Bronx Traffic Ticket Lawyer. Only Lead Counsel verified traffic attorneys are allowed to represent clients in New York courts, so you can rest assured that your lawyer meets high standards for professionalism and skill. To receive this distinction, a lawyer must pass a background check, have an unblemished record of professional conduct, and demonstrate knowledge and experience in the field of traffic law to qualify.

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